
  1. Subsidies of up to CZK 100 000

  2. Financing at our branch with zero cash

  3. Removing allergens and excess humidity, savings on your heating costs

How Recuperation Works

The recuperation unit forms the lungs of your home. Today's new buildings with good insulation and thermal protection are very often faced with excessive interior humidity caused by insufficient ventilation. This can negatively affect not only the building itself, but more importantly your health and vitality.

A recuperation unit will ensure natural ventilation of your new home by continuously exchanging air, thus preventing your high fatigue. Furthermore, your mood, sleep, and productivity will improve.

The exhaust air passes its temperature to the incoming air, so the room temperature does not drop. In addition, the incoming air is free of dust, pollen, and allergens - simply everything you would like to leave outside when ventilating through windows.

So you ventilate all the time, but with the windows closed.

Why Get a Recuperation System?

High Air Quality

The recuperation removes sawdust, allergens, and more from the incoming air. This will be appreciated not only by allergy sufferers, but also by asthmatics.

Heat Saving

Thanks to ventilation with recuperation, you do not lose heat in the room and thus reduce heating costs.

Humidity Reduction

The humidity that results from inadequate or poor ventilation is not only unpleasant, but can also be life-threatening as it can cause the growth of moulds.

Not Sure Which Technology to Choose?

We will be happy to advise you!
We provide our consultations for free; do not hesitate to contact us!

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